- Playground swings. Ibu bapa boleh mencuba dengan pelbagai jenis buaian & pergerakan. (cth : bergerak ke depan dan belakang, sisi ke sisi dan gerakan pusaran).
- Manual vestibular swing. Ibu bapa pegang tangan & kaki anak kemudian dengan perlahan buai ke kiri ke kanan.
- Swinging in a blanket. Boleh juga cuba dengan menggunakan selimut.
- Swaying in a hammock.
- Spin using a office chair. (Kerusi yang macam ofis, yang boleh berpusing-pusing)
- Run in circles, or ride a merry-go-round.
- Manual spin. Pegang lengan anak tu dan berpusing sampai kaki dia terangkat dari tanah. Slow2 dah lah.. jangan tinggi-tinggi pulak. Kang tercampak pulak anak tu.. huhu
- Manual airplane. Pegang satu tangan & kaki sebelah badan dan berpusing ditempat yang sama (jika anak itu mempunyai otot yang lemah tak perlu lah mencuba)
- Sliding and climbing on playground equipments.
- Pulling child on a blanket across the room.
- Roll body like a log across the room
- Roll/slidedown a grassy hill at the park.
- Summersaults. (pandai-pandailah korang Google sendiri ye.. Nor pon tak tahu apa benda ni.hehe)
- Rock in rocking chair.
- Slowly walks up and down a ramp.
- Musical chair game.
- Activities on a balance beam. Picks up toys from floor, then throw into basket.
- Pops bubbles all around, stomp using feet or catch using hands.
- Rhythmic bouncing or rolling on large therapy ball.
- Jumping on trampoline.
- Jumping rope.
- Jumping on pillows. Game : Hot lava-Have your kiddos scatter the pillows all around the floor. The floor becomes hot lava and they have to jump from pillow to pillow to stay safe! It's also fun to make it into a chase game by having someone become "The Lava Monster"!
- Create an obstacle course (go over/under, climb up/down, run backwards from one point to another, through chairs, cushions, pillow, etc.)
- Hide and seek game or tag (running man) game.
- Throwing ang catching a ball
- imitating head positions. Bend down and say hello.
- Bend down and pass a ball between legs.
- Walk on the curb or a balance beam.
- Walk across the bed without falling.
- Walk while balancing an item on your head.
- Riding a bicycle or scooter.
- Dancing, marching twirl the body.
- Shake and stretch body.
- Do jumping jacks.
Design & Printing Banner #8
6 days ago
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